News & Commentary written by Barbara Zeughauser and Ken Deutsch

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A photo of Barbara Zeughauser and Ken Deutsch

Barbara Zeughauser and Ken Deutsch


Barbara Zeughauser and Ken Deutsch are cousins with an extensive history of cancers in their family, including breast, ovarian, lung, and pancreatic cancers. Barbara’s mother died of breast cancer and had a brother, Ken’s father, who died of pancreatic cancer. Their shared grandmother also died of pancreatic cancer.

Barbara is a 63-year-old woman living in Maryland, who is retired from her career as a law firm administrator. She obtained testing of her BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes from Myriad Genetics in 2009 and tested positive for an uncommon deleterious BRCA1 mutation.

Ken is a 54-year-old man living in Massachusetts who works in public relations. He was diagnosed with metastatic bladder cancer in 2014 and tested positive through Myriad for the same deleterious mutation as Barbara. The test result helped guide his treatment decisions.

Both Barbara and Ken want access to their genomic data in order to contribute to research initiatives.