News & Commentary written by Doak Bloss and Gerardo Ascheri

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A photo of Doak Bloss and Gerardo Ascheri

Doak Bloss and Gerardo Ascheri


Doak Bloss and Gerardo Ascheri of Lansing have been in a committed relationship for 18 years. Doak has worked for Ingham County since 1998 and currently serves as its Health Equity and Social Justice Coordinator. Doak’s employer extends health insurance coverage to Gerardo who is self-employed as a piano instructor and does not have access to employer-provided health insurance coverage. Gerardo has high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He estimates individual insurance coverage would cost the family $500 a month in premiums. The coverage would include a $1,500 deductible, a 50 percent co-pay for prescriptions and would not include dental and vision coverage.