News & Commentary written by JoLinda Jach and Barbara Ramber

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A photo of JoLinda Jach and Barbara Ramber

JoLinda Jach and Barbara Ramber


JoLinda Jach and Barbara Ramber of Kalamazoo have been in a committed relationship for 17 years and have two young children. JoLinda has worked for the City of Kalamazoo for 24 years and her employer extends health insurance coverage to Barbara who works part-time in order to be home for their kids after school. Although Barbara can purchase health insurance coverage through her employer, the $540 per month price tag is more than half of her monthly take-home pay. Current insurance contracts covering City of Kalamazoo employees and their families expire at the end of this year, and therefore Barbara’s health insurance coverage will lapse on December 31, 2012 if the challenged law remains in effect. Barbara has glaucoma and rheumatoid arthritis. Her medications alone will cost the family $300 a month without insurance coverage.