News & Commentary written by Rose Griego and Kim Kiel

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A photo of Rose Griego and Kim Kiel

Rose Griego and Kim Kiel


Together 8 Years
Santa Fe

Kim, 44, is a financial advisor with an independent private practice. Rose, 47, is an part-time business manager for a nonprofit organization and the owner of an accounting consulting business. Kim has two sons from a previous relationship.

Once when Rose was hospitalized, medical staff refused to provide Kim with any information on her condition even though she was the one who brought her to the hospital. It wasn't until Rose's family arrived that Kim was able to participate and get any information, and that was only after Rose's brother convinced his parents to include Kim. After that scare, they had legal powers of attorney and other documents drawn. They carry these document around with them wherever they go in a large binder. These legal services cost the couple more than $3,000.

Rose and Kim held a commitment ceremony in 2010, attended by friends and family, but they also hope to be married someday in the State of New Mexico.