News & Commentary written by Sloan Grimsley and Joyce Albu

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A photo of Sloan Grimsley and Joyce Albu

Sloan Grimsley and Joyce Albu


Sloan Grimsley and Joyce Albu were marred in New York in August 2011. They have been together for 9 years and currently live in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. They are raising two young daughters, ages 2 and 5, who they adopted. They also have two grown sons from prior relationships. Sloan is a firefighter and paramedic for the City of Palm Beach Gardens. Joyce is a consultant for children living with autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD, and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Joyce and Sloan also own a farm where families in which some members are living with neurodevelopmental disorders can engage in a variety of therapeutic activities.
Joyce and Sloan are concerned that if something were to happen to Sloan in the line of duty, Joyce would not receive the same support provided by the state to surviving spouses of first responders who make the ultimate sacrifice, and thus Joyce would be unable to fully provide for their family’s needs.