News & Commentary written by Suhaib Allababidi

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Suhaib Allababidi


Suhaib Allababidi is an entrepreneur who owns 2M Solutions Inc., a Texas-based company that helps install security systems for governments and private entities around the world. He is a certified contractor for the U.S. government. He is a U.S. citizen.

In January 2017, he was returning from a trip abroad via Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. He was detained by Customs and Border Protection agents, who seized the two phones he was carrying — his regular phone, which was locked, and a phone he uses while travelling internationally, which was unlocked. They took his international phone away for more than 20 minutes. He assumes they searched it.

When an agent returned with Mr. Allababidi’s international phone, the agent demanded access to Mr. Allababidi’s regular phone. Mr. Allababidi declined to unlock it. The agents responded by confiscating both phones and let him go home. More than two months later, agents returned the international phone. Seven months later, he has yet to receive his regular phone.

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