By criminalizing the provision of essential reproductive health care, politicians and prosecutors deny the humanity of people who become pregnant, seeking to control their bodies and determine their futures. The information in this page pertains to interactions between criminal law enforcement and health care providers. It might not apply to administrative inspections conducted by state licensing officials or other members of the state鈥檚 medical regulatory authorities. Depending on your state鈥檚 laws, you may be required to allow officials from these state agencies access to your place of employment or provide them with information.

A graphic of a gavel and a stethoscope.

Do I have to allow law enforcement entry into my medical workplace?

  • Law enforcement can enter any part of the premises that is open to the public. In a doctor鈥檚 office or clinic, this area would typically be the waiting room. Unless law enforcement has a search warrant, or an exception to the warrant requirement applies (for example, if you or a member of your staff give consent), they cannot lawfully enter any place that is not public.
  • If law enforcement asks for your consent to enter other areas of your workplace, you have the right to say no. Though law enforcement might enter anyway, even if you refuse to provide consent, objecting before or during any entry or search can help to preserve your rights in later legal proceedings.