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On the Agenda: February 6 – 10, 2012

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February 6, 2012

The first hearing under North Carolina's Racial Justice Act continues this week. The ϰſ is part of a team of lawyers representing Marcus Robinson, a black defendant convicted in the death of a white person and who received a far harsher judgment than white defendants who committed comparable crimes from a jury that may have been tainted by a racially biased jury selection process. The New York Times today.

Monday, February 6

Religion: On Monday, the ϰſ will submit comments objecting to a proposed Department of Commerce regulation that would eliminate a constitutionally required prohibition on using buildings constructed with taxpayer funding for religious purposes. The ϰſ will also join coalition comments.

Immigrants’ Rights: Legislative Counsel Joanne Lin will be on the , for an episode titled the “Ripple Effect of Immigration Enforcement,” which will look at the impact of state racial profiling laws, as well as federal immigration tactics that have detained and deported U.S. Citizens.

Tuesday, February 7

Death Penalty: the ϰſ and the will hold a press conference in Tallahassee on pending legislation in the Florida legislature to privatize all prisons in Southern Florida. would require Florida to privatize the management and operation of 29 correctional facilities in 18 counties and would circumvent the usual appropriations process for outsourcing projects, so that privatization could take place immediately.

Reproductive Rights: On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee will mark up the .

Privacy: The Transportation Security Subcommittee of House Homeland Security Committee will hold a titled "Screening Partnership Program: Why is a Job-Creating, Public-Private Partnership Meeting Resistance at TSA [Transportation Security Administration]?"

Wednesday, February 8

National Security: The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Communications and Technology will hold a titled “Cybersecurity: Threats to Communications Networks and Private Sector Responses.”

Thursday, February 9

Free Speech: The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a markup of , a bill to permit the televising of Supreme Court proceedings.

Privacy: ϰſ Legislative Counsel Michelle Richardson will speak on a panel along with representatives from The Constitution Project and the Center for Democracy and Technology about pending cybersecurity legislation and its potential impact on privacy.

Friday, February 10

The Voting Rights Project’s Katie O’Connor will participate in a panel discussion at the Charlotte Law School’s Law Review Symposium – “Behind the Curtains: Election Law and the 1st and 14th Amendments.” Other panelists include the Heritage Foundation’s Hans von Spakovsky.

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