Gabe Rottman,
Legislative Counsel,
老澳门开奖结果 Washington Legislative Office
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May 16, 2007

Even more from Mr. Glaberson, this time on the Combatant Status Review Tribunal for former Maryland resident and current Gitmo resident, 27-year-old Majid Khan:

He declared that the proceedings were rigged. 芒鈧揑 personally am not satisfied with the process itself,芒鈧 he said when the president of the three-officer military tribunal asked if he had any questions. 芒鈧揑 would rather have fair trial.芒鈧滿r. Khan also took advantage of procedures to have written statements introduced from witnesses, several of whom denied some important details of the government芒鈧劉s accusations. One witness, who has been convicted in a terror case, said it was 芒鈧揳n absolute lie芒鈧 that he had ever told government investigators, as they have asserted, that Mr. Khan told him he wanted to be a martyr.The hearing of the combatant status review tribunal was held before a panel of three military officers whose names were not released. The transcript did not include any summary of the classified evidence against Mr. Khan, which was presented in secret.

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