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Habeas Sightings: Fargo, ND

Gabe Rottman,
Legislative Counsel,
老澳门开奖结果 Washington Legislative Office
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June 6, 2007

From the mountains, to the prairies芒鈧 Habeas is showing up everywhere. All across America, people are writing to tell us that they have seen Habeas. The latest is from Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McClusky in Fargo, North Dakota:

Dear,Carol and I stumbled across your Web site after friends emailed us about the save Habeas campaign. I was already pleased to have a way to help protect our nation芒鈧劉s values, but it turns out the site really was a big help, because if we had not seen pictures of Habeas on your Web site, we wouldn芒鈧劉t have recognized the little fellow who caused such a ruckus during our weekly movie date.Both Carol and I are born and raised here in Fargo. We thought about leaving after our wedding, but family ties run deep around here and I guess we never got around to it! We芒鈧劉ve kept our date night all these years, to keep a little spark in our lifelong romance. Last night, we were at the historic Fargo Theatre watching 芒鈧揟welve Angry Men.芒鈧 Halfway along, a shadow flashed across the screen, followed by a crashing noise. Everyone looked around to see what was going on, but all we saw was a quick glimpse of a small green figure ducking out the emergency exit.The staff from the theater ran after him, flashlights waving and all, but they told us afterward that he just vanished in the alleyway. There was a hubbub in the audience and the couple behind us said it was probably 芒鈧搄ust some kid causing trouble.芒鈧 But my wife and I, we knew it was Habeas. Unmistakable.We had a good talk about him on the way home. I wonder what other movies he might stop in on!

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