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Habeas Sightings: Nashville, TN

Gabe Rottman,
Legislative Counsel,
老澳门开奖结果 Washington Legislative Office
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June 10, 2007

A man named Stan sent us the following email from the country music capital of the world 芒鈧 Nashville:

The biggest part of our history here in Nashville is the music: country, jazz, gospel, you name it. If it wasn芒鈧劉t born here, you can be pretty sure it at least stopped and stayed for a spell.Now I hear this Habeas you芒鈧劉re looking for is a good-hearted, America-loving man (or a person, or a fella, anyhow you follow my meaning). So I bet it won芒鈧劉t surprise you any that this red-blooded green fella stopped his running just long enough to take in a little history at the Country Music Hall of Fame right here in Nashville.I芒鈧劉ve worked here for the last 15 years, helping to keep the place looking nice for all the folks who come through. This morning, I was polishing the cases in our new Ray Charles exhibit, when I saw your bitty green friend wandering the hallways. I don芒鈧劉t expect he was looking for anything in particular 芒鈧 just admiring the beauty of the place and soaking up some musicological history. Of course, I芒鈧劉m not supposed to just let people wander around like that 芒鈧 we don芒鈧劉t rightly open til 10:00 a.m.. But the little man just looked so worn down, like he芒鈧劉d been running all his life.This here is the place I go myself when I feel down. I figured who was I to keep someone as important as Habeas Corpus himself from doing the same? Don芒鈧劉t know if any of these messages get to him eventually, but you tell him to come back and see us any time.-- StanP.S. I even started a country song about him 芒鈧 with a bit about how 芒鈧搕he laws we abide have a purpose芒鈧 and 芒鈧揗r. Gonzales the sourpuss,芒鈧 but I芒鈧劉m still working on those rhymes. There are more half-written songs around here than there are screenplays out in Hollywood, and I don芒鈧劉t wanna just add to the pile!

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