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Alabama Abortion Decision Raises Alarms Ahead of Kavanaugh Hearings

Keep Abortion Legal in front of Supreme Court
Keep Abortion Legal in front of Supreme Court
Andrew Beck,
Senior Staff Attorney, Reproductive Freedom Project,
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August 23, 2018

This week, a federal appeals court struck down Alabama鈥檚 ban on a safe, medically proven abortion method. The decision shows just how high the stakes are ahead of next month鈥檚 Senate confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump鈥檚 nominee to the Supreme Court.

In recent years, anti-abortion politicians across the country have enacted of dangerous restrictions aimed at preventing women from obtaining abortions. Alabama has been at the forefront of this coordinated national campaign, with politicians there enacting a multitude of restrictions designed to make it impossible for a woman to get the medical care she needs.

The latest legal battle concerned Alabama鈥檚 ban on dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortions. On Wednesday, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court order invalidating the ban. The statute we challenged in the case, West Alabama Women鈥檚 Center v. Miller, made it a crime for physicians to provide D&E abortions. Had Alabama been permitted to enforce the ban, it would have prevented hundreds of women each year from being able to have an abortion, because D&E is the only outpatient procedure that is available after the earliest weeks of the second trimester. As the trial court that heard the case explained, the state could not 鈥渏ustify such a substantial obstacle to the constitutionally protected right to terminate a pregnancy.鈥 The Eleventh Circuit judges affirmed that decision, explaining that their 鈥渞ole is to apply the law the Supreme Court has laid down,鈥 and as a result of previous Supreme Court鈥檚 decisions, the Alabama statute plainly could not stand.

But this positive decision came with an ominous twist. One of the judges wrote separately to note 鈥渙n the record鈥 that, while Supreme Court precedent required him to block this harmful restriction, if he had a seat on the Supreme Court, he would have upheld the statute and voted to invalidate Roe v. Wade altogether. 鈥淭he problem I have,鈥 Judge Dubina explained, 鈥渋s that I am not on the Supreme Court, and as a federal appellate judge, I am bound by my oath to follow all of the Supreme Court鈥檚 precedents, whether I agree with them or not.鈥

This case is one of dozens of reproductive rights cases working their way through the federal court system, any one of which could reach the Supreme Court. They include cases challenging abortion bans like Alabama鈥檚, designed to interfere with women鈥檚 abortion access, and efforts by Kentucky politicians to the last clinic providing abortions in the state. It also includes the 老澳门开奖结果鈥檚 legal challenge to the Trump administration鈥檚 policy blocking undocumented minors from obtaining abortion care 鈥 a policy Judge Kavanaugh was unwilling to put a stop to when the case came before him.

Read more: Brett Kavanaugh's One Abortion Case

This brings us back to the pivotal juncture where we now find ourselves. Judge Kavanaugh鈥檚 confirmation hearings are scheduled to start in less than two weeks, and he has begun meeting with senators. In one meeting , he told Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine that 鈥渉e agreed with what Justice Roberts said at his nomination hearing, at which he said that [Roe] was settled law.鈥 Some have assumed, notwithstanding Trump鈥檚 express commitment to nominating justices who would overrule this landmark precedent, that this statement is sufficient to assure us not to worry about a woman鈥檚 right to abortion if Judge Kavanaugh were confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Such an assumption would be dangerous.

Of course Roe is settled law 鈥 today. But as the Eleventh Circuit鈥檚 ruling this week recognized, there are nine jurists in this country who get to decide what will be settled law tomorrow. Judge Kavanaugh鈥檚 agreement with Chief Justice Roberts on this issue should be particularly concerning to anyone who cares about a woman鈥檚 ability to actually get an abortion if she needs one. When the issue of abortion access was last before the Supreme Court in a case called Whole Woman鈥檚 Health, Chief Justice Roberts, who dissented from the court鈥檚 ruling, would have upheld medically unnecessary restrictions that would have shuttered most of the abortion clinics in Texas.

Judge Kavanaugh has been nominated to fill the seat of Justice Kennedy, who joined the majority in invalidating Texas鈥檚 harmful restrictions. If Chief Justice Robert鈥檚 view had prevailed, abortion would have been as good as outlawed for millions of women in Texas, even without the court expressly overturning Roe. One can treat Roe as settled law and nevertheless water down its protections to the point that they are meaningless. The question is not simply whether Roe remains settled law, but whether the constitutional commitments it embodies are fully enforced.

Given the huge stakes of a lifetime appointment to the nation鈥檚 highest court, senators must demand detailed, substantive answers from Judge Kavanaugh on this and other fundamental questions. They must insist that he disclose not whether he acknowledges that Roe is settled law, but whether he believes that the Constitution protects the fundamental right to obtain an abortion, and how meaningful that protection is. To paraphrase Judge Dubina, Judge Kavanaugh should be asked not whether he acknowledges all of the Supreme Court鈥檚 precedents, but whether he agrees with them or not.

Anything less would be an abdication of senators鈥 constitutional responsibilities, and a betrayal of the people they represent.

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