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Nelson-Hatch Defeated Thanks to YOU!

Allie Bohm,
Policy Counsel,
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December 8, 2009

You did it!! The Senate just voted 54-45 to table (read: defeat) the Nelson-Hatch abortion coverage ban amendment! Thanks so much to everyone who took action to stop this draconian and backward amendment. Your work truly made a difference!

We are not out of the woods yet. There will almost certainly be other attempts to restrict abortion coverage during the Senate debate on health care reform, and, assuming the Senate passes its bill, we will still need to urge the conference committee charged with reconciling the House and Senate bills to follow the Senate’s lead and keep this — and any other — abortion coverage ban out of the final health care bill. So, .

But today, we should all take a moment to revel in this victory for women’s rights and ability to make private health care decisions without government interference. Congratulations, and thank you!

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