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Some Michigan Politicians “Wanna Be My Doc.” Use Our New Twitter Generator to Challenge Them

Rana Elmir,
ϰſ of Michigan
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July 16, 2012

It looks like some Michigan politicians want to “play doctor” and take away a woman’s ability to make personal, private medical decisions for herself. In June, Michigan vaulted to the top of the list of states with outrageous, regressive legislation on women's health, placing a monster omnibus package - House Bills 5711, 5712 and 5713- on the fast-track to becoming law. HB 5711, or the War on Women Mega Bill, passed in the House and if it survives in the Senate, it would effectively make safe abortion services inaccessible in the state.

Since several Michigan politicians so clearly "wanna be your doc," let's give them the chance. Use our tweet generator to automatically create a tweet with your most pressing medical questions targeting key Michigan politicians. Once they receive enough questions, perhaps they'll realize that that they are NOT medical professionals, should stop far-reaching anti-abortion measures, including HB 5711, from passing and allow real doctors to provide the best care for their patients. Try it out and share with your friends on Twitter. Don’t forget to use the hashtags and to be a part of and follow this conversation.

Let’s send Michigan’s extreme politicians a message: it’s never OK to put politics over women’s health, and it’s essential that they keep the state’s women’s health centers open.

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